Sunday, March 28, 2010


ok so I just found out that people dye their hair with Kool-Aid...OMG! People drink this stuff, I used to drink this stuff as a child, imagine what it must be doing to your insides...but I digress. I also found out that you can use it to dye yarn...well well now you're speaking my language. I've been wanting to learn how to dye yarn for months now. I was waiting for my baby girl to have her baby, because she is my craft partner and I thought we had to use a toxic dye and I didn't want her or the baby around that...BUT THERE'S KOOL-AID!

So I may have mentioned before that I gave up purchasing yarn for Lent...but now that it is only 1 week away, I have been perusing the KnitPicks site and drooling at all the yarn but particularly the dyeable yarns. Woohoo can't wait...Went to the grocery store and bought my Kool-Aid and can't wait for next Sunday, of course that is also the day that the baby is due, so I probably won't be dying any yarn for a few more weeks. In any case, I am alot closer to realizing my dream than I was a week ago.
Precious Purls what have you been wanting to do and just haven't gotten around to it yet...get around to it honey!

TTYL! Feliz Tejiendo!!

Happy Spring Precious Purls...

Although Spring has officially sprung, someone forgot to tell Mother was 29 degrees this morning...GEESH! Could somebody please send Mother Nature the memo?!

Guess what...bunting finished! FINALLY! Hopefully I will be able to post some pics with him in it, even if we just put it on him to take pics and take it off. I hope the baby gets to use it as he is due this week and hopefully it will be cool enough for her to at least bring the baby home in it...I know from my mouth to God's ears LOL. Can't wait for the little munchkin to make his entry into the world and we get to meet him.

TTYL Precious Purls...buh bye now.
Feliz Tejiendo!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Oh MaJay...

It was 9 yrs ago this month that my Great Grandmother passed away. We affectionately called her MaJay, short for Mother Geraldine. Whenever I knit, crochet or cook, I am reminded of her and all that she taught me. She was the craftiest woman I've ever known...she was always making something. She made jewelry for all of us and church friends, there was rarely a birth in the family that went without a newly crocheted blanket, she was a caterer and she could sew.

She taught me how to crochet at the tender age of 8 and my cooking lessons went on well into her 90's, I was always calling with questions of how to make something. When my daughter was born, she crocheted the baptismal dress and beret for the christening...I was floored, I didn't even think she could still crochet, she was about 92 when she made that.

I really miss her and I really wish that I had been more serious about crafting to get all of her knowledge before she left. I do think that she is smiling down proudly looking at all the things that I am doing and learning, and I am looking up and smiling back at her because she was my first teacher.

Oh MaJay how I miss you so...and I want to say thank you for sharing your love of crafting.

Monday, March 15, 2010


OK so I still haven't completely finished the bunting (pics coming soon), but that didn't stop me from casting on something new...tadahhhhh!!!
Knitting is soooo SEXY!!!

This one is for my cousin Tara, who is expecting in June, I hope she likes it when I finish ; )

'til next time Precious Purls...Happy Knitting!

Monday, March 8, 2010

One down and soooo many more to go...

So I finally finished another hat for myself, BUT one of my girlfriends really likes it and I know what is bound to happen...I am going to give it to her.
Thank goodness Spring is trying to get sprung or else I would just be hatless again, but isn't the model kinda cute : )

Anyway, I am gonna keep this short and sweet, got stuff on the needles to knit off. Until the next time...later Precious Purls!