So I went to the MD Sheep and Wool Festival held at the Howard County Fairgrounds in Ellicott City, Maryland...

WOW was all I could say! There are soooo many vendors and the grounds are pretty big OMG. It was a beautiful day for it, not too cold and not too hot, there were no bugs flying around, it was great...until I got sick UGH!
Who knew that amongst all those trees, grass and animals that your allergies would amp up to 1000 even after you took an allergy pill. Well needless to say, that made for a miserable day but other than that...
I got to see my favorite Creatively Dyed Yarns...Love Dianne's stuff so much. http://creativelydyedyarn.com/
I got to meet new vendors l

ike Sheep Cognito...
if you didn't see this stuff you missed a treat.This one is called Reclaiming Dignity! http://www.charisma-art.com/
I met a husband and wife team that had the coolest ceramics and they make yarn bowls; The Lion Potter of Gettysburg. http://lionpotter.com/
The last vendor I met before my sickness took over fully was The Bee Folks and thank goodness I walked up on them when I did, because my throat felt like it had a gazillion spiders moving around in it and I wasn't able to talk anymore without choking. What they had were some really delicious exotic honeys and my new found favorite throat lozenges made with honey and there is a liquid honey center. They had Blueberry, Orange Blossom, Killer Bee, Brazilian Pepper honey and a whole variety that you wouldn't think of in a honey. http://www.beefolks.com/
I will make plans to go back again, but for now I am focusing on Rhinebeck baby!!!
Anyway, til next time Feliz Tejiendo and Knitwitchalaytah ♥