Athough it's snowing outside in the wonderful NY and TriState area, I am still excited about the possibilities of Spring.
I can't help but swoon over all the meetups I can attend. My own SSK's (Sit, Sip, Knit) will be back on the menu. The Knatural Purls haven't gotten together since Christmas... OH MAN! I am waaaay excited. You can't forget all the cool "Springy" stuff you can knit now... Shawls. Stoles, light sweaters, halter tops and so much more.
In Other News...
I finally got my Yarnit! What can I say? Everyone was right, this is the best thing since knitting needles :) If you get a chance to get a Yarnit! Get it.

It's my out and about project. I have quite a ways to go but I enjoy the project and it's pretty mindless knitting. I also have a few designs in the works that I hope to publish soon.
So What's on YOUR needles/hooks and what crafty goodness
are you looking forward to this Spring?
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