Friday, March 20, 2015

Today is the first day of Spring...
Athough it's snowing outside in the wonderful NY and TriState area, I am still excited about the possibilities of Spring.

I can't help but swoon over all the meetups I can attend. My own SSK's (Sit, Sip, Knit) will be back on the menu.  The Knatural Purls haven't gotten together since Christmas... OH MAN! I am waaaay excited. You can't forget all the cool "Springy" stuff you can knit now... Shawls. Stoles,  light sweaters, halter tops and so much more.

Let's not forget all the impromptu meetups because of the warm weather and outside knitting... OH the possibilities are endless.

In Other News...
I finally got my Yarnit! What can I say? Everyone was right, this is the best thing since knitting needles :)  If you get a chance to get a Yarnit! Get it.

On the Needles...
I am STILL working on the Spectra by Stephen West.
It's my out and about project. I have quite a ways to go but I enjoy the project and it's pretty mindless knitting. I also have a few designs in the works that I hope to publish soon.

So What's on YOUR needles/hooks and what crafty goodness 
are you looking forward to this Spring?